I Lost My Bitch Ass Dog Again Meme

When your ix years old zelda is equally close to 'goddess' as they become. But shit, you gotta grow the fuck up at some point. I liked videogames every bit much as the next child and shit, and in all honesty I played videogames up until high school. My generation was raised on videogames. Granted I did other shit likewise simply the point is simply that I think these 'men' are trapped in childhood. Not to mention its easier to live a fantasy than real life. I recall some of these dudes develop hard oneitis from videogame motifs also. Zelda is essentially the unobtainable princess. You never interact with the chick, your e'er only off to go salvage her donkey for no reason.

Men have probably always had 'white knight' syndrom but videogames reinforce it and keep men locked into a land of perpetual idealization. Videogames are basically a actually 'skillful' substitue for existent life; in other words it feeds what men instinctivly go after: accomplishment, responsability, achievment, advancement, etc. Shit is sad equally hell to see in guys that have devoted hundreds if not sometimes literally 1000's of hours on games. Because substantially videogames are a advantage / pleasance system. They are a 'puzzle' men crave, simply a distraction but from the true puzzle of life. They give men the storylines they've ever wanted, the sense of state of war and adventure they always wanted, and the best office is there's no 'real' failure. If you 'lose' a battle or something you go to but start right over. So, if you play long enough your practicually guarenteed victory. Dissimilar real life where some actual setbacks are inevtiable and yous can never 'reset'. Human being, seriously, when your 8, 9, 10 years quondam zelda games are mindblowing. Your 'doing' everything men were created to do; go on epic ass adventures. The fact that this has transferred over into grown men says alot but mostly how the real truthful sense of wonder in life and club has been extinguished. What slap-up adventures are there? Me personally I choose to go 'inwards' and await towards morality and ideals and I think a lot of men do as well, but the sense of wonder in the real globe in which we live has become commericialized and nigh totally snuffed out. Information technology use to exist if you looked upon a massive mountain like Everest a homo would exist diddled away and get and urge to conquer the mount. Some withal do but nowadays anybody is and so jaded that zip seems to truly inspire. Humanity has achieved alot, and I think alot of millenial faggots simply don't know what the next existent conquest is or could be. Their sense of imagination and wonder is replaced with videogames, movies, and porn. Instead of conquering a wild animal they 'conquer' levels in a game, instead of traveling the oceans or deserts they picket 'men' travel to other worlds in film, instead of being totally fuckin primal and going after hotass girls they wiggle off to porn. Everything has become sicksad substitute for the real matter.

Every bit far as the 'soy-confront', jesus christ, its everything wrong with men rolled into one. It'southward easy to point the finger but these guys are a product (literally) of their society (commercilization). I could simply as easily be in their shoes, perhaps. Needless to say in all honesty I retrieve the closest I've always looked to those pictures has been when I've been drunkard off my ass. Just drunkard happy assholes await this retarded unremarkably. So, not sure what the real 'epidemic' here is. I'm certain soy is actually a cistron in some way, simply information technology's also a lack of self-command thing goin on. The 'men' are trapped in perpetual childhood it seems and never learned control over anything, including their facial gestures. Anyways, shit is pathetic. I think some of these homo's can be reconditioned to be the men they were suppose to be, simply that'll take years of difficult piece of work which only they tin can really alter, no ane'southward going to practice it for them. As a final thought I would merely add that guys that play videogames are like every other man – generally speaking – they want achievment, advancement, accomplishment, gamble – they are begging for it really. The men that find 'accomplishment' in videogames have probably not been looking at 'accomplishment' correctly or been given the oppurtunity either. Not to say that it's not their fault they are homo's – not at all – but men need good solid job oppurutnities and not bullshit work to be truly fullfilled, otherwise they'll substitue their piece of work ethic for pseduo-achievements. Its not most having more than jobs, it'south near having jobs in society which give men a sense of purpose. If no videogames or internet men would be happier – guarenteed – the internet and computer and videogames and pron subdues men's urges 10-fold.


Source: https://www.returnofkings.com/165452/36-soy-boy-pictures-that-reveal-an-epidemic-of-feminized-men

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